Enhance encryption methods to resist quantum computing threats
Swiss Quantum Technologies (SQT) aims to address the critical vulnerabilities in current data transfer methods by leveraging quantum hardware, advanced protocols, and sophisticated algorithms.
The weakness of data transfer today are: the asymmetric encryption and password length.
Private and public key as method for distribute keys are based on hard mathematical problems like prime factorization and integer log, both under the quantum computer future range of breach.
Quantum computer will also have the capability, by brute force attach, to breach symmetric and asymmetric key encryption methods that use short and not OTP password.
SQT aim to solve the above weakness by: Quantum hardware, Protocols, Algorithms.
From practical perspective, SQT will enjoy as much is possible the existent computer technology: Messaging app, emails client and server side, word processors, audio video and picture encoding algorithms and will be cross platform. SQT data will be tunneled through them.
From data perspective SQT technology is based on three Protocols and two Algorithms and two hardware, briefly described below.
Improve the authentication process to ensure robust identity verification
Secure blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies against potential future breaches